Posts by "Cosmic Wisdom"
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Note: This is an article that I wrote for

The legend of the Phoenix that rises from the ashes of its parent is quite well-known. Herodotus had taken this legend to Greece from Egypt, where it was called the Benu Bird. When we read the legends and descriptions of the Benu Bird or the Phoenix, and its counterparts in the Mediterranean region such as the Aetos Dios (Eagle of Zeus) in Greece, the Aquila of the Romans or the Double-headed Eagle that became a symbol of imperial strength and authority across Europe, it becomes quite clear that the Phoenix is not a terrestrial bird, but a periodic comet, that gets very close to the Sun during its perihelion passage (i.e. a Sungrazing comet), and whose apehelion is near the orbit of Jupiter (i.e. a Jupiter-family comet). Like many other comets, it has a double-lobed nucleus, because of which it was also represented as a double-headed eagle. The comet periodically strikes the Earth with fiery projectiles and seeds our planet with water and life, acting as the herald of a new dispensation.

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Orion and Kartikeya

Of all the constellations that embellish the night sky, it is Orion which is probably the most conspicuous and easily recognizable one. Since the Orion constellation lies on the celestial equator, just south of the ecliptic, it can be seen from any part of the world. 

Many ancient legends tell us that in the bygone ages, a group of Seven Sages of extraordinary wisdom and untold powers visited the earth from the stars. They traveled around the world and passed on the knowledge of all the sciences and the arts to the people. They advised the kings on their royal duties, instituted the proper codes of living, and established the correct modes of ritual in order to sustain the cosmic harmony, and ensure the happiness and prosperity of the people. It was said to be a time when our planet was closely integrated with our larger cosmic family; a very different era compared to the profane world we live in today.
The Ankh was one of the most popular symbols of Egypt, symbolizing “life” or the “breath of life”. It’s a very ancient symbol, dating from the Early Dynastic Period (c.3150 – 2613 BCE), and appears widely in inscriptions and iconographic art. Relief carvings often depict gods holding the ankh at the nose of the pharaoh and conferring on him the “breath of life” or “eternal life”. It, thus, represented the life-giving powers of the deities.
Note: This article has been published on the Graham Hancock website , Bibliotecapleyades, and Waking Times.

The annals of world mythology contain a number of references to the Milky Way galaxy. A few accounts try to explain how the Milky Way came to appear as a faint band of milky-white glow arching across the night sky, while some others are more mysterious. They talk of the presence of a “Spirit Trail” or a “Road of Souls” in our galaxy, along which the souls of dead people travel to a mystical underworld.  Many ancient cultures subscribed to such beliefs, but the true meanings and origins of these cosmic tales remain a mystery.